The opportunity to travel abroad this summer is now passed us by. All year we look forward to those magical dates and unfortunately, it has all come crashing down. Let’s all move forward with our head held high. Although we didn’t get to visit the golden sand beaches of Europe, Asia or South America we still learnt to fall in love with the beauty of the UK holidays. 


Don’t leave it too late and get started planning next years holiday today. Although you may think this is too far in advance, the truth is that there will be a huge demand for flights and accommodation next year and if you are not ahead of the trend well then you may have no other choice but to stay in one-star accommodation with hugely inconvenient flight times. Something nobody deserves to deal with. 


In this blog post, we will be taking you through a few of the things you should take into consideration when planning for the summer of 2021. By no means is this a guide on how to book a holiday, we hope for this blog to act as an informative resource of things you need to be mindful of.  


COVID-19 Is Here For The Long Haul 


This is disease is going to be hanging around for a lot longer than you may expect. Don’t act surprised if you’re still hearing about cases cropping up well into the year of 2021. The truth is, until we find so form of affective treatment we are left having to promote face coverings and just hoping for the storm to pass. One day this disease will completely burn out and when this day comes we can all celebrate, but until then we all need to still be aware of the possible risks invoiced. 


It could be argued that travelling is when you are at your greatest risk. As this is a time where you come in contact with hundreds of strangers there is always a risk that you may come in contact with someone who is infected with COVID-19.


Staying Safe When Traveling Abroad  


Luckily, we have now reached a point where there is enough research out there to support the use of face-covering when travelling. Whether you’re travelling out to the supermarket to grab some bread or you’re on holiday abroad. If you are planning a holiday for next summer, get comfortable with the fact that its likely that you will be required to wear face coverings for a large proportion of the time. Nearly all European countries are following the same guidelines as we are, making it a requirement to wear coverings in supermarkets and other public spaces. 


Another way in which you can stay safe when travelling abroad is to keep the number of people you come in contact with to a minimum. In certain situations, you have to come in contact with a large number of people, if this is the case make sure you keep socially distanced. This is government approved guidance and following this will help keep you as safe as possible when travelling. 


Changes In Travel Restrictions 


There is no certainty around travel restrictions in the coming months let alone next year. All we can do is just plan for the best-case scenario. At this moment in time locations such as Greece and Spain can be visited without having to quarantine upon arrival. This means you can enjoy your holiday to its fullest and not lose time being stuck within your accommodation. To play it on the safe side it would be recommended that you keep your holiday plans fairly close to home, as this decreases the chances of travel restrictions forming before you get the chance to travel abroad. 


There are a variety of holiday destinations here is Europe which simply needs to be visited. If you need some holiday inspiration which is not currently on the quarantine list, please feel free to visit our blog post titled Where Can I Go On Holiday? 


Quarantine Regulations Upon Return


The greatest implications of travelling abroad are that there may be quarantine regulations in place which can limit your time enjoying the holiday or even prevent your immediate return to work. The best advice we can give you is to properly do your research before you booking anything. The last thing anyone deserves is to get on holiday and then finding out they will need to quarantine for a set amount of time before actually being able to get out and enjoy what the chosen destination has to offer. 


Do not let these factors put you off planning your next holiday abroad, simply educate yourself on them to help lessen the impact COVID 19 has upon your future holiday plans.